Monday, November 27, 2006

Vastu Fever in Hyderabad

Vastu, the fengshui like concept of India, which was intended to be an architectural science is driving all hyderabadi's including builders crazy.. Hyderabadi's are now so hooked into this concept that they cannot do anything without thinking about it. Let it be the direction / location of your home/bedroom/kitchen etc., or when it comes to picking a location for business or some folks are even applying it to their office spaces..

In the name of health and prosperity, folks are modifying many aspects of homes and some folks have even gone the extra mile to tear it all up and rebuild in the same space.

Recently while flipping through channels, found an interesting debate about this concept of vasthu. Participants were Builders, vasthu experts and the NGO jana vignana vedika [ peoples knowledge forum ] were fighting over whether this works or not. I did not hear anyone put forward any convincing arguments and the discussion went in many directions with no conclusive answer [ as expected ]

Builders : They were worried that vasthu was not standardized. They gave instances of where they had to make major modifications to projects just because some one announced that their project had a defect ( dosham ). One builder said.. "We dont care if vasthu works or not, we just want a standard". Another builder complained that he is unable to build enough east facing houses and it would just be impossible to make all houses face east.

Vasthu Experts claim that it works. For every question they had a story about how some one lost money or health or dear ones because of bad vasthu. Thats serious stuff, I think the host himself was so scared that he didnt ask them too many questions. They challenged the NGO folks to live in a house that was against vasthu for 3 years for a cash prize.

JVV : Jana vignan vedika claims that vasthu has nothing to do with science and its just an interior decoration philosophy like feng-shui. They have even thrown a challenge for some one to prove vasthu along with a cash prize.

Some fun facts I gathered from this program w.. India's vasthu is completely reverse of what it should be [ and silly me, I moved to India ;-) ] .. Building on hills is not allowed per vasthu, but still folks living on these hills [ banjara and jubilee ] are making money..

All said and done, I dont know if this works or not, but as a smart investor its important to get something that meets the basic principles, otherwise it may be a challenge to resell it.

Oh btw, my office is finally ready and I moved in last week... So far I did not even think about which way it was facing.. should I ?... what do you think ?...

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