Monday, September 18, 2006

Appliance Shopping in Hyderabad : Mr. R to my rescue

We embarked on shopping for the kitchen and other appliances that I was badly waiting to acquire including the Split A/C's needed for my house.

Appliances : All models of refrigerators, microwaves, cooking ranges, mixies, cookers, Washers, Dryers etc., are available in a wide variety over here in Hyderabad/India. Samsung, LG, Kenstar, Whirlpool etc.

  • Refrigerators vary from 25K [ tall models in India ] to 50k [ Side by Side ] to the 100K [ side by side with bells and whistles like mini bar etc. built in ]. Other features include no-frost, twin cooling [ more efficient since both sides are driven by different evaporators], cool select zones [ to adjust for vegetables vs other food ] and myriad other features..Samsung Fridge
  • Microwave ovens come in all ranges and sizes from 20Litres to 37 Litre capacity with a number of features that I have never seen in the U.S. These features include a rotisserrie, Grill, Convection Oven and many other features including jog dial controls etc. They vary from 4000 to 15000.
  • Cooking ranges come primarily in the gas with 4 or 5 burners and sunflame seems to be the leader in this. There are even the thin ranges which you can initially place on a table and in the future integrate into the granite counter tops like you see in the upscale houses in US. These vary from 3000 to 17000 for the thin models.
  • Washers come in top loading, front loading, automatic from 5.5 kg to 10kg loads. I am really surprised to see the front loading models being available for very low prices in the market. People generally do not go for dryers but they are available in case you want to splurge. Washer prices vary by capacity and features. I have seen them go from 7000 to 70k, with the front loading + 6.5 kg being ~20000 - 25000.
  • Airconditioners : They come in both the split as well as the Window type. You can also go for the larger multi-split which would be able to support multiple rooms with a single compressor. Being an ops guy, I preferred independent systems for A/C for redundancy [ or failover ;-) ] and I decided to go with the 1.5 Ton Split A/C for my 3 rooms...Samsung A/C
Now to my story, we decided to go with samsung all the way for the fridge, A/C, Washer and Microwave. We visited a couple of stores to understand the pricing and how it varied from place to place. We picked a fridge [ side by side ] and 3 A/C's and were about to finalize at what we thought was a great discount. Here is where you have to be very careful when shopping in India [ At least my experience was so.. ].

We reached home and were talking to my neighbor [ Referred to as Mr. R ] who said that the prices were too high and that the dealer may be taking me for a ride. He said dealers play these games with list price, sale price etc., and asked me for the model #'s and put in a call to 2 dealers and his friend who works for samsung. Within 24 hours, he came back with pricing that really surprised me and had major savings compared to what I have been quoted

The best part is that Mr. R gave me a well organized tabular entries on a white paper, that listed each model #, what to look for to make sure its the right model being delivered, what accessory#'s to expect, what else to demand in terms of service and freebies etc. The best part is the 1500 installation charge that the dealer claimed was non negotiable some how got knocked down to 1000, and he even got a few more freebies and a deep discount on the stabilizer etc.

Now, this is what I hate about shopping in India or may be I should love this, but being an outsider to this type of haggling, I was already declaring victory [ thought I was so cool that I already learned the tricks ] when I saw the prices go down in the first place.

The dealer is supposed to stop by tomorrow, take an order, give me a written committment on all the above items, a review with Mr. R, and I will be signing on the dotted line. Overall $2700 or Rs1.2 Lac for Fridge [ equivalent to what I had in US in a whirlpool model ] + 3 A/C [ incl installation ] + 1 Washer seems to be a good deal and Mr. R agrees that I am in line with what the desi shoppers would get when they visit a store... and he added.. your job is to watch out for what they deliver.. otherwise it will be a whole different story ;-)

Watch Out !!! ... Lets say you made a deal for an AC 1.5 ton of model JWDB which is a newer model, the dealer just delivers the older JWDA do make up for the additional discount he may be providing you. Since both of them look the same, you may not even realize the difference except in the newer compressor features etc that make the new one superior.

Oh BTW, aquaguard executive [ term for the poor sales guy in india ] is coming in tomorrow for a demo on their new water purifier.. What a contrast.... this guy showed up 1 day early to do the demo and my wife had to send him away to come on tuesday, while the BEAM broadband cable guy has not shown up until now.. 24 days and counting.. glad I called SIFY after 2 weeks.


Anonymous said...

what % discount did you get for the appliances? That will give us an idea on how much bargaining can be done.

Anonymous said...

Can I have MR. R's Phone number?
Just kidding. Actually I will be in market for Appliance Shopping soon. Can you please give us the name of Dealer?

Anonymous said...


I got 7 to 10% in the initial negotiation and it went upto 20-22% in some cases on further negotiation. Hope that helps.

Pretty much every dealer can do the same price, visit the samsung digitalshoppe first, pick the models you like then go around other smaller dealers. Many of them are on RP road ( Dignity electronics etc.) in secunderabad just after you cross the cmr shopping mall.

Unknown said...

Hi. We just arrived yesterday and will be here for two years... can you please recommend on a store for a refrigerator, over and washing machine? a dealer which you know is good? Any help will be very much appreciated.
Thank you. Efrat